EArtH Arts competition 2020 - Upload Page

Are you ready to upload your work?

Please make sure you have followed the below rules and regulations carefully before submitting. Once you have validated your work, please use EArtH Arts Competition 2020 Upload page to submit your work. We use google forms to upload videos, images (png, jpeg) and audio (mp3) files and google forms requires everyone to have a gmail account. If you don’t have a gmail account, please send us an email with an attachment to with a subject “Arts Competition 2020 submission for {Participant’s Full Name}.

Rules and Regulations

Drawing and Painting:

  1. Drawing / Painting must be submitted in JPEG, PNG, GIF and PDF format. Individual files must not exceed 30 MB.
  2. No computer-generated displays allowed. All drawings and paintings must be hand drawn.
  3. Please write your name on the drawing / painting. 


  1. Songs must not be more than 2 min in length. 
  2. Submit songs in audio or video format. Individual files must not exceed 30MB. 
  3. If video is submitted, care must be taken that only the contestant is visible in the video. 
  4. It is encouraged to sing songs that are not from movies / films. Devotional, folk, patriotic songs are preferred. 
  5. Songs could be in any Indian languages or English. 


  1. The competition is for individual contestants only. Group dancing entrees are not allowed. 
  2. Videos must not be more than 2 min in length.  Care must be taken that only contestant is visible in the video. 
  3. Submit Videos in audio or video format. Individual files must not exceed 30 MB.