January 2022 Updates



EArtH Childline – Summary

EArtH Childline – Case Studies

Peddapalli Cases

As a part of outreach, one of our team members B.Harish found a boy of age below 18 working  in a restaurant close to Peddapalli bus stand. Our team members took the details and learnt that he is from Gopalpur, Odisha. He was produced before the child welfare committee (CWC). The committee gave counseling to the boy and restaurant owner about child labor law. The boy was then handed over to his parents.

In another case, one of our team members Santosh found a boy working at the construction site at Peddapalli. Our team members learnt that he migrated from his hometown Ballarshah, Maharashtra in search of work to support his parents financially. He was produced before the Child welfare committee (CWC), who gave counseling and later handed over to his parents.

Siddipet Cases

We received information that a 12 year-old girl’s father died due to health problems and her mother got remarried. The girl discontinued her studies and started doing household work. Our team rescued the girl and produced her before the Child Welfare committee (CWC). They gave counseling to the girl to continue with studies. Now the girl is continuing her studies at KGBV school.

We learnt about a little girl on social media. We went to the child’s home and collected details. We came to know that the girl is 5 years old and her father died 10 days earlier due to health issues. The girl and her mother were leading their life by working for black smith as they cannot afford food. Our team offered both food and shelter, but the child’s mother did not accept shelter. The child is now happily living with her mother and continuing her studies.

Rajanna Siricilla Cases

As a part of operation smile outreach, our team member found a child working in a brick kiln located near Mahalakshmi temple, Vemulawada. After investigating we came to know that the boy is less than 18 yrs and his parents were daily wage earners. Because of his poor financial status, he was working in the brick kiln to support his parents. Our team members along with the police went to the location, rescued the boy and produced before the Child Welfare Committee (CWC) along with his mother and brother-in-law and gave counseling. Our team members took a confirmation letter from the owner not to hire any children under age 18 and a FIR has been filed against the owner.

Our team received a call regarding child marriage. After receiving the information, our team members along with the CMPO team visited the girl’s home at Kandikatkuru village, Illanthakunta mandal. We learnt that her parents have a boy and a girl and the girl is 17 years old and is pursuing intermediate at a junior college in Karimnagar. They decided to get her married to a divorcee. When we questioned him, he denied having any intention of getting his daughter married. The Child Welfare Committee gave him counseling. Our team took a confirmation letter from the father not to get her married before she turns 18 and let her continue studies.

Sankranthi Celebrations

EArtH adopted kids celebrated Sankranthi with various activities like Drawing, Muggulu (Rangoli), and Essay Writing.



In all our adopted schools, volunteers were strongly focusing on the academics. Because of this pandemic, students were not able to attend offline classes, still we have an alternative of online classes but not every child can afford a android phone .In this way many of the people failed to attend classes .As pandemic is going down, physical classes got commenced and our team  ensure that students do not skip any subject class. Firstly being a student, everyone should be able to read and write .To practice reading and writing, we have provided handwriting work sheets which ultimately gave an outstanding outcome in student’s handwriting. In reading also students were performing up to the mark that’s a good sign of progress for all the efforts that team is putting.


Sports plays a very major role in student’s life. In this present generation, students were not completely aware of the importance of sports. These days every child after completion of school, they spend most of their time in mobile playing online games. But our volunteers are keeping away students from that situation by involving students in different sports like running, long jump, tennikoit, Khoo-Khoo, Kabaddi. After completion of classes, students enter the ground and practice the sports in which they were performing excellent. This practice helps them to participate in district or state level competitions and grab prizes. As a result, students will become physically fit and healthy. And also, our volunteers were very supportive to each and every student, and encouraging them towards success. If any child is lagging behind, volunteers were putting more interest on that particular individual.


Yoga is again a physical activity, which keeps us mentally and physically strong helps us to lead Avery healthy life. In all our adopted schools, yoga has been introduced as a new practiced and is practiced daily without skipping. This activity helps students to concentrate more on studies .Yoga asanas make students physically more flexible and make them excel in yoga and as well as sports. Yoga can also be performed in district and state level competitions are held. We had a very dedicated trainer for this activity. Students were also performing good in very less attempts, making all our volunteers’ effort were valued.


Along with the academics, students are enthusiastic in learning different activities. we have conducted few drawing classes and competitions where students’ performance was extremely good. Their drawings depicted the situation during high pandemic and the front-line warriors and got surprised with their level of imagining skills and presenting them on a paper very clearly. Especially, one particular drawing of a very true incident, that took attention of each and every one over the world was “The army gave a tribute to all the doctors and frontline warriors who were working restlessly in that pandemic” by showering flower petals on them from helicopter.

Republic Day Celebrations

On 26th January, EArtH schools celebrated Republic Day along with the whole nation. In spite of the pandemic, students and teachers came forward to demonstrate their patriotism. In the schools of both telugu states, students celebrated republic day grandly. Students won prizes in different categories. In Andhra Pradesh, students celebrated republic day at schools as usual, whereas in telangana because of peak covid situation students were not able to celebrate physically. Instead, students sent pictures of their drawings and also videos of their elocution which shows us their excitement towards celebrating this national festival.