Vamshi Neeligari
Being a donor if you expect Transparency and Accountability you are in the right place. I have been a donor since 2016 and I am only motivated to continue and even increase my contribution, and that’s because of the results EArtH showed. EArtH spends money wisely and try to maximize the output for every Rupee spent. I am particularly attracted to EArtH Foundation’s motto, which is all round development of Children, which I believe is much needed for Children in India. I recommend EArtH to anyone who is looking for a right place to help underprivileged without a doubt in my mind.
I believe that in the last few generations in India, the idea of becoming a successful individual is linked to only Money and Financial status because of various reasons, and that children were not taught enough about Ethics, Character and Social responsibility and I feel that it is time to correct that.